Conditions Treated
More and more Americans are becoming familiar with Chinese medicine and the benefits derived from acupuncture. For over 2,000 years, people have found acupuncture to be an excellent form of treatment for both acute and chronic pain. In Chinese medicine, pain is considered to be caused by a blockage of the vital energy or Qi in the meridians of the body. Acupuncture is able to help move the blocked Qi and resolve the problem at its source. By addressing the problem at the root, and not just focusing on the symptoms, acupuncture goes beyond just relieving the pain, it helps the body begin the healing process.
While many people are aware that acupuncture treats both acute and chronic pain, they do not realize the wide variety of other disorders that acupuncture effectively treats. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recognize acupuncture to be effective for many of the following conditions:
Addiction – alcohol, drug, smoking Anxiety Arthritis Asthma Back pain Bronchitis Carpal tunnel syndrome Chronic fatigue Colitis Common cold Constipation Dental pain Depression Diarrhea Digestive trouble Dizziness Dysentery Emotional problems Eye problems Facial tics Fatigue Fibromyalgia Gynecological disorders Headache Incontinence Indigestion Infertility Insomnia Irritable bowel syndrome |
Knee pain Low back pain Menstrual irregularities Migraine Nausea Neck pain Osteoarthritis Pain PMS Reproductive problems Rhinitis Sciatica Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) Shoulder pain Sinusitis Sleep disturbances Smoking cessation Sore throat Stress Tennis elbow Tooth pain Trigeminal neuralgia Urinary tract infections (UTI) Vomiting Wrist Pain |